Mediterranea Pitiusa All departures and offers on Mr Ferry!
The ferry company Mediterranea Pitiusa managed the martime traffic between two of the Balearc islands: Ibiza and Formentera.
The two ilsands are also known as “Islas Pitiusa” due to the large amount of pine trees in their territory. (from which the ferry company name is derived).
Founded in 2000 by some shipowners with experiences in the ferry sector, Mediterranea Pitiusa is the only ferry company based in Formentera. The company has as main objective the safeguard of the crystalline waters that surround the uncontaminated island, they're in fact trying to avoid the disposal of hydrocarbons in the sea.
The crossings of the Mediterranea Pitiusa ferry company are perfomed all year long. Departures timetables might change depending on the season, during high season - from June to September - departures are increased up to 40 daily crossings.

Mediterranea Pitiusa Fleet and on board services
There are four hydrofoils of the Mediterranea Pitiusa ferry company that perform daily connections between the two islands in both directions throughout the year and there are three types of ferries used to best meet the needs of each passenger:
The “Jet Line” that takes 25 minutes.
The “Express Line” that takes 35 minutes.
The "Low Cost Line" that takes 45 minutes. (seasonal)
Ferries can host from 150 to 300 passengers. On board a air seats saloon, air conditioning sytem, restrooms, cafeteria and luggage storage are availbale.
Pets up to 10 kg are allowed on the internal areas of the ferries if trasported in the carrier. Other animals must travel on deck with their owners only if seasts in the reserved area are available.