Ferries Corfu VeniceFerry companies timetables and offers on Mr Ferry!

Corfù Venice ferry route is not running at the moment, but thanks to MrFerry you can find all travel alternatives in just one click!

To get to Italy, we can offer you a trip on the Corfù Ancona ferry. Ancona is located approximately 375.5 km from Venice, almost a 4-hour drive. The Corfù Ancona ferry is operated by Anek Superfast Ferries and Minoan Lines throughout the year, with 2 departure per week.

For information on departures, timetables, and services on board, please click on the links below: Corfù Ancona Ferries.

On MrFerry you can check in real time the availability and best offers of shipping companies operating all routes from Greece . And if you need any help, you can contact our call center!

Ferries Corfu Venice On board services

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