To reach Tunis from Salerno and vice versa is very easy and fast booking online on MrFerry for a low-cost crossing with departures from/to Tunis-Salerno.
The Avenue Mohammed V, one of the most beautiful of Tunis, eventually leads to the important centers of Carthage, rich in finds from the Roman period, and Sidi Bou Said, considered the Tunisian Saint Tropez.In the northern part of the city you can take a walk among the trees of Jasmine, Sandalwood and Orange Park Belvedere. Nearby Tunis is, instead, the famous Bardo Museum, which contains the largest collection of mosaics in North Africa and the history of Tunisia in all its glory.
The ancient town of Salerno is rich in history andit is part of the Italian Amalfi coast. Amnong the famous highlights in Salerno there is Castello di Arechi, a hilltop manor. To topo it all there is a lovely seaside promenade with a pleasant Mediterranean climate and some beautiful nearby beaches.
The information regarding timetables, offers and routes available with the most famous shipping companies to and from Italy/Tunisia and in particular Tunis-Salerno are here on MrFerry website.